Most people think creating digital meeting places is simple – it’s just a matter of filming what you would do physically. This is false, and often the reason why digital events do not work. They can quickly become boring, unstimulating and unengaging. This is due to the lack of focus and planning around the participant.
Regardless of the type of digital event you want to carry out, it is important to think about how the message is delivered. It’s not just standing in front of the camera and filming: It’s about directing, and about good content.
Our producers and advisers help with concept, content, story building and directing, so that your event becomes a good experience on the screen.
Hybrid events are events that are both physical and digital at the same time. This means that the event, with its participants, are in different locations at the same time, which calls for several considerations and decisions. A hybrid event prioritizes digital and physical participants differently, due to dissimilar needs, challenges and possibilities.
At Medvind, we have expertise and experience with various creative solutions to facilitate good storytelling, physically and digitally. We are specialists in concept, content, direction and dramaturgy, to ensure an engaging event – no matter where you are located.
Medvind has developed some of the most important national and international conferences for the public and private sector. We offer expertise from A to Z: Planning and project management, strategic content development, technical advice and implementation.
We can deliver conferences of all sizes, from large and complex with thousands of participants, to smaller daily conferences. Our clients vary from public and state figures to organizations and private businesses. All have clear social missions, and a sustainable development.
We work professionally and flexibly: You can be sure Medvind delivers.
Experiences and events come in many forms: Strategic narratives create memorable moments, an exhibition or installation breaks through the noise, a kick-off brings together an industry to share knowledge. These are opportunities to share knowledge, build culture, strengthen teams, create meaning and inspire.
Celebrations, gatherings of leaders, commercial and cultural meeting places, dinners, parties and fun are good opportunities to spread information and create experiences, internally and externally.
Medvind offers expertise in development of concepts, content and execution of events of all sizes, and always provides creative and well-functioning solutions.
Good concepts, ideas and content are everything. It evokes emotions and gives meaning. It can move thoughts and gives power. It can create action and change policy. Good content is the essence of meeting places – physical and digital. It is the stories you tell, and the emotions you’re left with.
Medvind works thoroughly with insight and strategy when we develop content. Whether it’s a conference or event; film, or installation. We offer PR and communicational counselling, prepare scripts and editorial texts, and create everything from on-screen content to text for participants.
Medvind offers solid project management. Our professionals ensure that hundreds of planned decisions and components work together when they should. Directing, scenography, lighting, sound and people give life to the stories you want to tell – and create memorable experiences.
Medvind has industry-leading production expertise and can therefore facilitate the most technically complex productions – and it’s quite simple, of course.
The participant journey may be the most important element of an event. Your employees, customers and partners are the ones you depend on, and want to provide good experiences. These can be advisers, salespeople, heads of state, royalty, politicians, business leaders or global VIPs. They are current and future team players, and whom you want to engage and share positive moments.
Medvind aims to offer the best participant journey in the industry. We are always close to, and often the only ones, participants communicate with. Together we represent the event, are the smiles who greet you, and the friendly voice on the phone – for you, and your event; before, during and after.
At the same time, our aim is to be invisible: We will ensure seamless, smooth and safe arrangements, where the logistics are so good that you don’t notice them. Medvind offers good solutions, provide information at the right time, and are available for all your needs; to give you and your client a simple and excellent experience.
Our employees have a background from theatre and therefore extensive expertise with scenic tools and storytelling. We ensure good direction, dynamic flow and that the common thread of the narrative is integrated into the production, from start to finish.
All speakers are well prepared before they go on stage. They understand their role in the story and where they should go and stand. Medvind’s producer provides a safe environment for speakers and clients, so that everyone delivers at their best, and creates a memorable experience for the audience.
We also offer 1-1 stage training: From building a good presentation to pure stage training.
Design is everything. It can make us listen, remember, learn and act. Design can be large screens and spotlights, or simple decor. It can be the icing on the cake, or the strong opinion. Design is great video content, graphical communication tools, beautiful trade fair stands.
Medvind can create designs from A to Z, for all surfaces and needs. We deliver everything from the very best to the simplest. We create inspiring films, moments and aesthetics, that you want photograph and share on social media
Medvind offers the production of various films and video content. This creates excitement, sets the scene and mood, or acts as transitions. We can create strategic campaigns, which reinforce the main message of conferences or events.
Together we develop the concept, idea and script, and create exactly the content you need.
If you want to deliver a message, strategic communication is needed. Whether it applies internally or externally, it is important that the message comes across as intended. In addition, the right target group must be reached, through relevant channels.
Medvind offers strategic advice and operational PR work, which ties together different stories, messages and channels in a holistic way. In this way, your message will reach the right media and have the planned impact. We do careful research to find the best angles – to best tell your story.